
Configure Redmine SSO with Keycloak using OpenID


If you haven't configured your Keycloak instance, check our other articles:

In order to set up Keycloak as an Identity Broker for SSO using the Redmine OpenID plugin, you will need:

  • SSH access to the plugin folder for your Redmine instance
  • Be able to either upload files or pull files from a Git repository to that plugin directory
  • Have Administrator level access to your Redmine instance
  • Have Administrator level access to your Keycloak instance

    Useful ressources:

  • Keycloak Docker repository: Keycloak Docker Official Image
  • Redmine Docker repository: Redmine Docker Official Image
  • Redmine plugin repository: Redmine Openid Connect plugin

    The setup will be done using Keycloak v22 and Redmine v5.0.5 using official and un-modified Docker images but the plugin configuration can also be done on non-container based instances.

Set up the plugin on the Redmine host server

Connect through your SSH client to your Redmine host and install the plugin

sudo git clone

My Redmine setup only requires that I restart the container (check the Redmine setup article to know more).

If you are not using a container-based Redmine instance, install the plugin the usual way.

bundle install
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
rake redmine:plugins RAILS_ENV=production
sudo touch /opt/redmine/tmp/restart.txt

Then log into your Redmine using Administrator access and make sure the plugin is visible in the /admin/plugins page:

Configure Keycloak

For this example we have set up a Keycloak instance :

Parameter Value
Redmine base URL
Keycloak base URL
REALM nicksopenworld

Get the OpenID endpoint information

Retrieve the OpenID Endpoint Configuration information for the Realm:

Create a dedicated OpenID client

Connect to your Keycloak platform as Administrator, go to the client management menu of your REALM and create a new client:

Client type OpenID Connect
Client ID Value of your choice.
For our example: redmineopenid
Name Optional.
Value of your choice.
For our example: RedmineOpenID
Description Optional.
Value of your choice.
For our example: empty
Always display in UI Allows the client to be visible for guest users.
For our example: Off

On the next page:

Parameter Value
Client authentication Default is Off which creates a public client.
We will need to get client secret which means the client must be confidential.
For our example: On
Authorization Optional.
Enable/Disable fine grain management.
For our example: Off
Authentication flow Defines authentication methods supported.
For our example: standard flow & Direct access grants

On the last page:

Parameter Value
Root URL
Home URL Optional.
Default URL to use to redirect/return to the client.
For our example: empty
Valid redirect URIs Optional.
Authorized URI patterns in the authentication process.
For our example: empty
Valid post logout redirect URIs Optional.
Authorized URI patterns for redirection post logout.
For our example: empty
Web origins Optional.
Allows filtering of authentication request sources.
For our example: empty

The fields can be updated at any time should you wish to to some security hardening later on.

Configure the created OpenID client

Get the Client secret

Go to the Credentials tab to visualise and save the Client secret value for later:

Client Role creation

Redmine Administrator management

The Redmine OpenID plugin allows user authentication and, if needed, creation as either Administrator or standard user in Redmine.
This is done by defining a Role value that will be assigned to users.

For this example, we will set Admin as client Role.

No attribute or any further configuration required.

User filtering

The Redmine OpenID plugin has a filtering system available that can be user when you have multiple different teams in your organisation accessing tools through the same authentication tool.
We can set up one or multiple roles in the Redmine OpenID client that will serve as filter: if filtering is enabled and a user doesn't have any of the authorized roles assigned to him, then SSO will be disabled to him.

For our example, Dev and Support roles have been set up.

Client scopes & Mappers

If you want to push specific data to your platform, you can set up built-in mappers or create your own:

In older versions of Keycloak, you needed to manually add the values.
In version 22, as long as setting Full scope alllowed is set:

If you are using an older version of Keycloak or any JBOSS keycloak docker image, here are the mappers required:

Name Mapper Type User Session Note  Token Claim Name  Claim JSON Type  Add to ID token Add to access token Add to userinfo 
Client ID User Session Note clientId clientId String On On On
username User Property username user_name String On On On
given name User Property firstName given_name String On On On
email User Property email email String On On On
family name User Property lastName family_name String On On On
member_of Group Membership group String On On On

Login/logout client configuration

You also have Login and Logout parameters. We will leave default values for our current setup.

Configure Redmine

Then log into your Redmine using Administrator access and go the the Redmine OpenID plugin configuration page /settings/plugin/redmine_openid_connect.

OpenID Connect Configuration Description
Enabled Allows you to enable/disable SSO using OpenID plugin without having to remove the plugin.
For our example: On
Client ID Client ID set in your Keycloak client
For our example: redmineopenid
OpenID Connect server url Issuer URL from the OpenID endpoints.
Beware as the format depends on your authentication platform but can also depend on the version as it does for Keycloak:
- v16 format: https://KEYCLOAKURL/auth/realms/REALMID
- v22 format / our example: https://KEYCLOAKURL/realms/REALMID
For our example:
Client Secret Value taken from the Credentials tab in your Keycloak Redmine client
OpenID Connect scopes (comma-separated) openid
Authorized group (blank if all users are authorized) This is the filtering option.
Note: if filtering is used, members of the Admin group must also be members of the authorized group otherwise they won't be able to log in.
For our example: Support
Admins group (members of this group are treated as admin) For our example: Admin
How often to retrieve openid configuration (default 1 day) For our example: empty
Disable Ssl Validation For our example: Off
Login Selector Enable/Disable use of the redmine login page itself: if disabled, accessing the Redmine login page will automatically send you to the Keycloak authentication page.
This means that if you have other authentication methods on Redmine's login page such as SAML SSO or Giltab OpenID, these would no longer be accessible if this parameter is disabled.
For our example: On
Create user if not exists Allows automatic creation of users in Redmine using information pushed by Keycloak if necessary.
For our example: On
Users from the following auth sources will be required to login with SSO Bugged & unusable feature as of version 0.9.4 (November 2023)

!! WARNING !! .
When updating the Plugin information, I have found that some of the updates are only taken into account if you restart Redmine (either as a service or a container).

Test your setup

Connect to your Keycloak instance and create a test user:

  • Set a password
  • Assign it the role(s) to allows login if you want to use filtering ( "Support" client role here) or Administrator ( "Admin" client role ) to log in as Redmine Administrator

Try and log-in using the plugin using a private session of your favorite browser.
You can close the browser, update the user configuration in Keycloak and reconnect through OpenID SSO in a private session to test out all possible settings.

Debug and explore

If your tests don't give the results you're expecting, you'll have to do some debug analysis.
One way to go is to check the Redmine or Keycloak logs but in the case of OpenID exchanges, you can also check the payload using APIs.


  • an API client (I'll be using Postman)
  • a method to decode JSON Web Token . We'll be using the online decoder.

Configure the API call

Set up the API call with the following parameters:

OpenID Connect Configuration Description
client_id For our example: redmineopenid
client_secret Secret for that client.
scope openid
grant_type password
username Test user's username.
password Test user's password.

The API response should contain an access_token which is the value that must be decoded.

Decode the access_token payload

Go to and paste the

Note: please use another more secure solution if the token is for a critical service.
Online ressources are useful but their security can't be garanteed.

The system will decode the token and make it readable to you so you can check the information and attributes being sent:


With this, you should now have a simplified way to manage your Redmine Users.

Please note that this plugin can be used on a Redmine instance on which are also installed:

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